상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Type of attribute


by hwano 2013. 12. 27. 22:46


Type of attribute

Flag and argument to use

boolean -at bool
32 bit integer -at long
16 bit integer -at short
8 bit integer -at byte
char -at char
enum -at enum (specify the enum names using the enumName flag)
float -at "float" (use quotes since float is a mel keyword)
double -at double
angle value -at doubleAngle
linear value -at doubleLinear
string -dt "string" (use quotes since string is a mel keyword)
array of strings -dt stringArray
compound -at compound
message (no data) -at message
time -at time
4x4 double matrix -dt "matrix" (use quotes since matrix is a mel keyword)
4x4 float matrix -at fltMatrix
reflectance -dt reflectanceRGB
reflectance (compound) -at reflectance
spectrum -dt spectrumRGB
spectrum (compound) -at spectrum
2 floats -dt float2
2 floats (compound) -at float2
3 floats -dt float3
3 floats (compound) -at float3
2 doubles -dt double2
2 doubles (compound) -at double2
3 doubles -dt double3
3 doubles (compound) -at double3
2 32-bit integers -dt long2
2 32-bit integers (compound) -at long2
3 32-bit integers -dt long3
3 32-bit integers (compound) -at long3
2 16-bit integers -dt short2
2 16-bit integers (compound) -at short2
3 16-bit integers -dt short3
3 16-bit integers (compound) -at short3
array of doubles -dt doubleArray
array of floats -dt floatArray
array of 32-bit ints -dt Int32Array
array of vectors -dt vectorArray
nurbs curve -dt nurbsCurve
nurbs surface -dt nurbsSurface
polygonal mesh -dt mesh
lattice -dt lattice
array of double 4D points -dt pointArray


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